Listed Species Relocation

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Relocation of protected species, habitat management plans, and/or monitoring of protected species on-site may be required by government agencies if it is determined a project has the potential to affect one or more threatened or endangered species.

Protected Species Relocations

If required by federal, state, or local government regulations, a property owner or developer may need to relocate protected plant and wildlife species. The relocation of protected species involves the determination of a suitable relocation site or an appropriate mitigation bank. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission require that Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agents only relocate gopher tortoises. Our staff includes Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permitted Authorized Agents that can assist you with applying for the relocation permit, identifying potential relocation options, and excavating and moving the gopher tortoises. Our team of ecologists also has experience relocating protected plant species.

Protected Species Monitoring

Monitoring of protected wildlife is often required when a threatened or endangered species is known to be nesting on a project site. We have extensive experience with the various monitoring protocols for protected species, such as the bald eagle, crested caracara, and red-cockaded woodpecker.

Habitat Management Plans

Habitat management plans are routinely required by federal, state, and local government permitting agencies if habitat for protected species is present on a project site. Our team can assist you in planning for on-site preserves, as well as preparation of habitat management plans that may be applicable for your project.

Habitat Conservation Banks

Habitat conservation banks are permanently protected lands with high natural resource value. These lands are conserved and permanently managed for species that are endangered, threatened, or are otherwise species-at-risk. Conservation banks function to offset adverse impacts to these species that occurred elsewhere, sometimes referred to as off-site mitigation. In exchange for permanently protecting the land and managing it for these species, the USFWS approves a specified number of habitat or species credits that bank owners may sell. Our firm assisted in permitting the first conservation bank for the Florida panther which is located in Hendry County, Florida. We continuously work with landowners and mitigation bank managers to identify potential habitat conservation projects in the Southeast.

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